Tilapia Breeders

& Food Masters Tilapia Feed

+27 60 973 6930

About Us

Tilapia Breeders established in 2016, producing Tilapia fish as a hobby, They built their breeding farm using their own designs. With the support of our Aquaculture professionals, we have grown rapidly in the last couple of years. Discovering the most cost-effective approach to start your own breeding farm, and they began offering courses in 2021 to teach you the essentials of starting your own Tilapia fish farm. They continue to provide assistance to new fish farmers.

With around 300 breeding pairs, in season we harvest the eggs and incubate in the hatchery. This seamless method has advantages twofold, after the eggs have been rinsed from the females mouth, the female will retain her nutrition. When the female incubates in the natural, she doesn’t eat for a week or two while brooding the eggs in her mouth. The second advantage is that the female will carry eggs sooner. 

We only raise fingerlings up to around 10cm and distribute to the public. Most of our Clients purchase for aquaponics, recreational and keeping algae under control in dams used for watering crops.

No chemicals are ever added into our system and our plants in the aquaponics system gets enough nutrients. We have a higher volume of salt in our system that keeps parasites to a nil. With Mozambique Tilapia’s high salt tolerance this is easily achieved.

We maintain pure strain Mozambique Tilapia, also known as the Blue-kurper.

Why Tilapia?

Tilapia are known for their mild taste, easy preparation, low cost, making them poplar in various cuisines worldwide. Tilapia are efficient feeders with unique jaw structures, and they are known for their mouth-brooding behaviour. In aquaculture, tilapia are hardy, fast-growing fish that can adapt to various conditions, making them one of the most widely farmed fish globally.

Eating tilapia offers several health benefits due to its nutritional profile. Tilapia is a good source of protein, providing 23 grams per serving, making it beneficial for muscle health and overall body function. Additionally, Tilapia is relatively low in fat and high in essential nutrients like selenium, which is important for various bodily functions. The fish is also rich in phosphorus, vital for bone health and growth, and contains vitamins B12 and D, which are essential for overall well-being.

While tilapia may not be as high in omega-3 fatty acids as some other fish like salmon, it still offers a range of health benefits, including supporting heart health, brain function, weight management, bone health, and providing antioxidants like selenium that help combat oxidative stress and boost immune function. 

Available Sizes

Blue Kurper - 0 - 5 cm Limited availability

Blue Kurper - 0 - 5 cm Most popular

Blue Kurper - 8 - 15 cm Limited availability



Available on

45% Protein Crumb

40% Protein Crumb

40% Protein Starter

35% Protein Grower

30% Protein Finisher

Visit Us - By Appointments only!

259 Hamerkop Crescent, 


Pretoria, South Africa

Phone: +27 60 973 6390

Email: inf@tilapiabreeders.co.za

Email: Info@tilapiafoodmasters.co.za